Voice Lessons via ZOOM ( Private & group workshops)

We’re only born with one voice. It is directly connected to who we are. Many revelations and reflections can appear through the experience of finding/refining the nuances, tones, vibrations and rhythms of your voice. Each voice has its own natural timbre, color and range. The sound of who you are. Become friends with your unique voice through simple vocal practice & study.

Privates: 50 minutes $108

Group Workshops: 2-4 People $40 per person. Each class will begin with a 15 minute intro and vocal warm up. Then each student will have 15 minutes of one on one with Marti Nikko. Other students are encouraged to listen and observe as we all learn together. Each student must prepare a song to share. You can do this a cappella or with your own accompaniment. (Group sessions are currently FULL)

For more information or to schedule please email marti@martinikko.com

More Curiosity. More Freedom. More Creativity. More Music. More Love.
